
Wednesday, January 12

A First

This is it. The first of, hopefully, many blogs that will recount stories, thoughts and reflections from the Stauffer home. I feel that there is a lot of pressure placed on the first blog entry because it marks the big “kick off” and if it’s not good enough, no one is going to want to read subsequent ones. Regardless of the audience’s interest, or lack thereof, I am determined to write often and use these entries as somewhat of a chronicle to look back on when the year 2011 seems to be a blur in the memory. I will let you know right now that I do intend to make these entries as humorous and enjoyable as possible because, as you may already know, there is lots of prime comedic material that emerges simply from the Stauffer’s day to day living. I guess that only makes sense given that we’re two best friends who absolutely love to have fun together and certainly have our own variety of silliness that manifests itself in ridiculous ways.
Anyways, I just thought that given the nature of this entry it is only fitting to explain a bit more about why on earth we have felt compelled to even start a blog. Right now I’m writing alone because Josh is at work, but I can just hear him saying “Sam, of course you think you need to explain the purpose. You’re always concerned with the purpose of everything; even blogging!”. I will confirm the veracity of this statement once Josh comes home and has the opportunity to read this. So, why blog? In my opinion, this is probably one of the greatest and most effective ways of keeping people in our lives consistently updated about what’s going on. I do not at all believe that our lives are so greatly exciting and changing that without daily entries we simply can’t keep friends and family up to speed. However, for those of you who we unfortunately don’t talk with or see as often as we’d like, this is a great way to stay connected and informed. There was a time, not that long ago, that I would have scoffed at the idea of a blog serving this function but I’ve come to recognize it as an amazing tool that is extremely accessible and applicable to our 21st century lifestyles.
What will you find if you continue to read this blog? Firstly, you will, without a doubt, be entertained by our stories and adventures because we’re also up to some sort of mischief or utter ridiculousness. Also, you’ll get little snippets of some of the thoughts and reflections we have as we journey together in better understanding ourselves and our world. At the essence of all of this is the most important thing; relationship. There are so many dimensions to this word, its expression and importance in our lives. For us, living is all about being in relationship with others and we hope that this blog serves to explore what that means and contribute to our relationships with our seemingly endless list of friends and family.
Wow, for a first entry I probably didn’t succeed at capturing your attention but, hey, at least you know what’s going on! We hope you enjoy the stories, ideas and laughs we hope to share with you along this journey!


  1. That's great Sam! I do enjoy picking your brain. PS: After much "organizing" at home, I may have lost your soccer ball. Let's meet up sometime so I can have an excuse to buy you a ball and a pastry (as interest on your ball).

  2. I like your blog! Thank you for sharing the moments of your lives:)I look forward to many future posts...with or without explanation of "why" each post is posted! Love you both!

