
Thursday, July 21

Good Ol' Country Music

One of my goals is to beat Sam in the amount of blogs I write while I'm overseas. Now, I'm not trying to beat her strictly on my competitive nature alone, I would say that's a pretty small part. Blogging is something I enjoy doing, the principle behind it (keeping friends and family informed of all the different things we do) is great. That being said I am not a very fast typer, in fact that is one of the biggest differences between Sam and I (Salmon'eye!!). Although I have gotten better over the last year or so, it's still something that doesn't come easily for me... well that and writing my jumble of thoughts down, I think people sometimes call it critical thinking... that is another blog all on its own though (that will be next week lol).
So lets recap, I like blogging, I'm not very good at it. That sums it up. So what do I do in order that I can
 1) enjoy blogging more
 2) "upgrade" my typing skills (if only I could buy a software upgrade for that!)
3) help create a system for my thoughts in order that typing them down in a coherent manner isn't so trying....
 the answer is turn it into a competition!

So although the end game isn't to beat Sam in the number of blogs I write, it will certainly keep my motivated enough to push through the things I don't enjoy about it. I have a feeling that Sam may end up pushing me to my limits now, it's a good thing she has been so busy!

Sam and I both enjoy music, you could even say love because we both appreciate what the joy of music can bring to a person. That being said, we both have a love/hate relationship with country music at this stage in our lives. If you haven't figured out why I'll explain. Growing up, Sam and I both listened to and enjoyed county music (maybe if I wasn't forced to listen to it for an hour and a half each day on the bus I wouldn't... but that's neither here nor there). Over the years I have heard many people bash the genre, my dog died, my wife left me, my boyfriend cheated, she broke my heart, I'm done with men it's now woman power, all men are chauvinistic... you name it, there is a long list of what country songs pertain. If country isn't one of your favorite genre's please bear with me, I'm almost done :) The point is country music is sad and sometimes down right depressing. I've never really thought about how sad it can be until I had something to be sad about though. It hasn't been until the last two weeks that almost every country song reminds me of Sam, how I miss her or the different memories we have made. But I love the music, so I continue to listen despite the negative effect it has on me because I truly believe I can turn that negative emotion into something positive. Yes it makes me miss her, but it also makes me so thankful for the memories we have made together. How priceless is being able to look back on years of love and growth together? Being away from Sam is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Leaving home after high school was hard but it was expected and you really don't have a choice in the matter. Venturing out on my own and becoming an adult... I've yet to figure that one out, was a fun stage in my life and I truly enjoyed it. Having to leave Sam is at times unbearable. One of the hardest parts about leaving her is not being able to help her with the struggles she goes through, just as she is not here to help me through mine! We write and talk often but there is still something about just being able to hold her that helps when words and advice cannot touch the pain. Writing this helps sort through my emotions, something I am definitely new at lol. Tying this back to country music, it reminds me of all the difficult times we have stood together side by side and were able to lean on each other, depend on each other when our own strength failed. That being said, this has been a great opportunity for us to deepen our relationship with God at an individual level. Sometimes we need that individual growth before we can bring our full potential to a team/marriage... we always call it our team :)

Even though we are apart, we look for the positive things and we grow as we can. I feel there is nothing more important then moving forward and continuing to learn in all things we do, something that I've always felt but something I didn't really understand until Sam showed me what that meant. What an amazing person I get to spend the rest of my life with!!


1 comment:

  1. Josh, great blog! Thanks for sharing and I'm cheering for you in the competition..and for Sam too:)
