
Thursday, November 10


Today I’m thankful for education.
I have spent my fair share of time grumbling not only about tests, homework and teachers but also about the education system in general. However, today as I was tutoring I realized that, even with it’s problems, I am thankful to have learned and worked in our education system. We were reviewing Grade 9 chemistry today and, sure, I really haven’t used much of that knowledge since Grade 9 so I was pretty rusty on the subject, but I think it’s great that I at least had the opportunity to learn it! No, learning the difference between and ionic and molecular compounds did not change my life, nor did it inspire me to pursue anything chemistry related! However, I was taught about these things by a good teacher, in a safe environment and surrounded by friends so that if the situation arose that this knowledge would be helpful, I would know it!

I certainly have a critique on the education system and the overloading of information partnered with some questionable assessment practices. But, I still see lots to be thankful for especially as a resident of Alberta who had free access to kindergarten through Grade 12 education (one of the best curriculums in our country and, some might claim, worldwide) and the opportunity to attend a post secondary institution.

I challenge you to take a moment to reflect on the people around the world who were never taught to read and write, who can’t afford to attend school (or perhaps purchase the uniform), women who have to learn in secret because it’s forbidden by their government, those with special needs who cannot access a school or programs designed for their unique needs, and those who will walk hours in war-torn countries simply to get an education. I’m thankful to be educated, to have access to continue education and the opportunity to help educate others.

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