
Thursday, March 10

Life Update

The purpose of this post is mostly business. We just want to provide an opportunity for everyone to get caught up on what's going on in our lives right now. Of course, if you not interest then you are not obliged to read on but if you do have any questions about what these two Stauffers have been up to, then here's the place to find out!

Firstly, we still do not have concrete dates for when Josh will be going overseas but we do know he'll be over there for around 6 monhts. For those of you who may be completely uninformed on the matter, Josh is scheduled to serve for 6 months in Afghanistan with the Canadian Armed Forces. He is a Signals Operator so that means he'll be doing lots of communication, computer and radio work while he's there.  The Canadian combat mission is officially over as of the beginning of this new year, however they need forces to go over to serve in cleaning up and clearing out. This is what Josh will be helping out with, which, from my understanding, sounds like a fairly safe and straight-forward job. However, there are still risks involved and we never know what could come up while he's there. In the next few months we'll be making up some photo cards to send out to our friends and family so that you can keep us in your thoughts and prayers while Josh is overseas. If this is something you would definitely like to receive, just let us know and we'd love to send you one!

Now, as of less than 24 hours ago there's been an update in my life! I am officially hired to be a Science Educator at The TELUS World of Science in Edmonton. This means I'll be teaching classes of students from K-9 a variety of science topics using all the awesome equipment and material available at the Science Centre. I'm really excited to start working a consistent job! I have absolutely loved babysitting for the past few months and I'm thankful to have been given the opportunity to work for some amazing families and stay well occupied during the days. Because this is a part time job, I'll still have the opportunity to tutor my two wonderful students, which keeps me busy for another hour four days out of the week. And, I have to say that our bank account is quite happy that we'll be functioning with a dual income...gooooood bye student loan! ...eventually

Outside of those two main updates, Josh and have been staying quite busy this past while! We have been so thankful to get lots of time to spend with family and friends and have enjoyed quite a few visitors in our home over the past few months, Even though we've been busy, we've been extremely happy and greatly enjoying this first year of marriage. Just to clarify, this doesn't mean it's always ideal or easy because we've certainly had ample opportunities to apply and grow our skills in conflict resolution! Marriage is a rollercoaster but we're enjoying one that is on a less extreme end of spectrum, which is enough to make is substantial through providing lots of happy and enjoyable moments as well as many opportunities to learn more about each other and how we can better work together. Go Team Stauffer! One of the greatest challenges that we're facing at this time is just knowing what to do leading up to Josh's deployment and how to prepare for what's going to happen while we're apart. It's one of those things that you can't entirely prepare for before hand, which absolutely drives me nuts! Thankfully Josh is my polar opposite in this area and helps chill me out when the uncertainties and lack of planning start getting me worked up. It will certainly be a learning experience for us but our prayer is that we come out of this experience with strength, assurance and a deeper appreciation for the time we have with friends and family.
 Know that if you're ever in Edmonton, the Stauffer Bed and Breakfast is always open and we love to practice our hosting skills :)

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